Mathias Lardinois works for Enabel (the Belgian development agency), and is the Coordinator of the Belgian Food Security Programme in Tanzania (Maisha Bora). It is a 5-year programme (2015-2019) financed through the Belgian Development Cooperation in partnership with the Government of Tanzania, aiming at improved food security in the Northern zone. The programme brings together 5 international and 10 local development partners with expertise in water engineering, livestock productivity & health, land-use planning, micro-finance, entrepreneurship, WASH & nutrition.
From 2011-15, Mathias was Operation Advisor for BTC in Brussels, in charge of the formulation, backstopping and evaluation of projects in DRC, Uganda, Tanzania, Vietnam. From 2008-11 he was Technical Assistant for BTC in Timbuktu (Mali) for the support of the wheat value chain.
Previous experiences are a 5 years position as Technical Assistant in Senegal to develop new locally processed food products with high added-value, and a 4 years position as Research Engineer at the University of Liege (Belgium) working on municipal solid waste management in developing countries.